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November 04, 2004This Just In...
Another one for the "Huh?" Files....I'm a Christian, and all for witnessing, but I'm pretty sure that you can convert wild animals. Man Survives Jump Into Lion's Den POSTED: 3:27 pm EST November 3, 2004 A man was attacked and injured after jumping into a lion's den at the Taipei Zoo and trying to convert the lions to Christianity. The 46-year-old man leaped into the den of African lions and shouted "Jesus will save you," according to the report. He also said, "Come bite me" before one of the male lions attacked and bit the man. Video showed the lion ripping a jacket off the man at the zoo in Taiwan's capital, clawing him and then biting the man in the leg. Zoo workers were able to drive off the lion with water hoses and tranquilizer guns. The lions were fed earlier in the day otherwise the man might have been more seriously injured or killed.
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