Sand and Tsunamis Travels between Saudi Arabia and Japan |
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* Visit to Odawara Castle * Some pictures * Geocacheing * They let women DRIVE here! * Cool things here in Japan * Adventures in Sushi * Adjusting to Life in Japan * Konnichiwa! * What an exciting year... * TIBETAN CHEST: DETAIL * NEW FURNITURE! * Feb Brunch at Shonan Village * KH hongkong * HONG KONG: FEB 05 * Eat a camel? * This Just In...US to Cease Existence in 2007! * This Just In... * This Just In...Easter Bunny Gets Pummeled by Boy at Mall * This Just In....When Old Ladies Attack
November 04, 2004It's Over, No Recounts...Viva Bush!!
Well, the day came and went, and looks like things worked out for the best. President Bush was reelected yesterday with clear majorities in both the popular votes and Electoral College. In my opinion, that is a very good thing for the US. There's lots of work ahead, but we've got the right man for the job. Principled, strong, faithful, single-minded, he is good for America, and good for the world (even if they don't realize it yet...). Thank God, Four More Years!
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