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October 23, 2004Celebrities stump for the President
Here's how a few of my favorite celebs are encouraging people to get out the vote. The TICK Endorses George W. Bush for President (my favorite superhero) Now, normally, I stay out of politics. Politics involves a lot of thinking and talking, and things that aren't either Good or Evil, and don't respond well to a Mighty Application of Physical Force. But this year is different.
He knew that when Evil knocks on your door, you don't invite it in for tea. That'll just get your apartment all messy and probably smelling like feet. No, you slam the door in its face, then you follow it home and try to knock some sense into it, and let its apartment smell like feet. It probably did before you got there, anyway. And while you're pummeling Evil, you keep pummeling, until it gives up and decides that it has better things to do than Be Evil. Because it knows where you live, and it could come knocking any day now. And you just cleaned your living room and you don't even like tea. So vote for President Bush, and keep the Rug of Freedom vaccumed, and the knick-knack shelves of Libety well-dusted. (from What Is Flig?) See what other well known celebrities are Comments
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