title>Denniblog: June 2004 Archives - BootsnAll Travelogues
Denniblog |
'Round the World Recipes (36)
About Me (2) Cairo to Capetown (51) computer setup (26) events (5) hols (16) LIGHTHOUSE BLOG (7) Longboats (4) Neither here nor there (35) publishing (11) SE Asia (40) Tadley Times (31) The Whales of Trincomalee (47) Travel tales (4) Travels on my Doorstep (19) Whale watching (12)
Recent Entries
* Camels and Scorpions
* Spam attack/comments * Desert Crossing (Part 2) * Desert Crossing (Part 1) * Preparations for the Desert * The Great Scottish Lightshow * The Birthday of the Prophet * Between the Desert and the Deep Blue Sea * Cairo Culture Shock * Postcards from the Road * Well done England * The African Journal * Football fever * Borth Beach BBQ * Interior design and a game of life & death * Borth Beach BBQ (recipes) * Counting down to Ard * Scoring herbs in Amsterdam * Publish and be Damned (II) * Soup and Bread
June 29, 2004Camels and ScorpionsSudan 1984 Next day, we delegated four people to go and check out the area while the rest of the group boiled up hundreds of litres of water. We wallowed in soap and water, soaking everything: the lorry, our...Read this update June 28, 2004Spam attack/commentsChris has dealt with the spam that has recently appeared as "comments" in this blog. Thanks Chris. Please place your comments under more recent entries, even if they relate to older stuff, because the old entries will automatically be blocked...Read this update Desert Crossing (Part 2)Egypt, New Year's Eve 1983 Here in the desert I often felt at one with nature -- when not engaged in the quarrels and bickering that increasingly took hold among the group, all day and often into the night. On...Read this update June 27, 2004Desert Crossing (Part 1)Egypt, Christmas 1983 In a quiet bend about 20 km from el Kharga, we left the road and our big lorry started to grind through the sand like a caterpillar truck. The others made considerably faster progress -- the jeeps...Read this update June 26, 2004Preparations for the DesertEgypt 1983 I had my work cut out with washing, cleaning and cooking. After doing the chores, I spent an uneventful day on the campsite, writing and continuing with the endless reparirs on my trousers which I had been patching...Read this update The Great Scottish LightshowOn the evening of the England Portugal game we were driving through the lake district back to Scotland. I knew we were home as soon as we drove into the setting sun....Read this update June 24, 2004The Birthday of the ProphetEgypt 1983 The sun was setting by the time we approached Asswan. The broad band of the Nile streched before us once more. Feluccas with white triangular sails were cruising on the river. I the middle was the beautifully illuminated...Read this update June 23, 2004Between the Desert and the Deep Blue SeaEgypt 1983 After four days in Cairo and a fleeting visit to the pyramids where we failed to penetrate the throng of touts, faux-guides and camel pedlars holding our truck under siege, we turned towards the Red Sea. The...Read this update Cairo Culture ShockEgypt 1983 An innocent abroad... We drove through the outskirts of Cairo looking for somewhere to stay. The road was a dirt-track of compacted clay running along a muddy stream with piles of rubbish scattered alongside. We had to watch...Read this update June 22, 2004Postcards from the Road01/12/1983 Munich: After a freezing afternoon's drive in our (open-top) lorry, we arrived in Aschaffenburg with a two hour delay to find the hostel-warden away on a pub crawl and the door firmly locked. So we continued on to Munich....Read this update Well done EnglandAfter all that ranting against English flag waving, why am I so happy about yesterday's game? It is true, I am chuffed. Well done England! Especially the boy-wonder Rooney. I've got to go to the library today, it is my...Read this update June 21, 2004The African JournalOn this day twenty years ago, I ran into one of my future teachers in Dar-es-Salam. This was during my first big journey, from Cairo to Capetown....Read this update Football feverThe drive back from Borth to my in-laws in Kent (and on to London in time for the BootsNall party) took us through some beautiful countryside. It has been a long time since I have last seen an English summer...Read this update June 18, 2004Borth Beach BBQThe sky was grey but there was a silver lining on the horizon, so at four in the afternoon we decided to go ahead - come rain or shine. We drove to town to buy raw king prawns and fresh...Read this update June 17, 2004Interior design and a game of life & deathMy sister’s beach villa is in a constant state of transformation. Features are appearing or disappearing, pictures have been hung on walls or taken down again and bits of furniture shifted around every time we visit. Architect’s plans are taped...Read this update Borth Beach BBQ (recipes)The weather has been changeable lately, but in the evenings the sun usually comes out and BBQ smoke is wifting up from the neighbours garden through the open office window. I’m dead jealous (they’ve got family visiting. The squealing of...Read this update June 13, 2004Counting down to ArdLess than 3 weeks to go before the start of the whale watching season at Ardnamurchan! With time running short, I have my homework cut out. I am surprised that Google throws up more papers than the scientific search engine...Read this update June 11, 2004Scoring herbs in AmsterdamThe police in Portugal have come up with a great way to clamp down on hooliganism during Euro 2004. They have proposed to turn a "blind eye" to the smoking of canabis, figuring that the fans will be too stoned...Read this update June 07, 2004Publish and be Damned (II)I am seriously thinking about serialising "The Whales of Trincomalee" as an e-book....Read this update June 06, 2004Soup and BreadYesterday, I baked a loaf of bread. If you hit someone over the head with it, you'll knock them out. Hmmm - I should have used a little less rye in the mix......Read this update June 02, 2004Not much to blog about...There isn't much to blog about in the next two weeks. The summer is up to a slow start. Even Ken from the Alba Re-inactment and Clan Heritage Trust says it is the slowest season he has experienced so far....Read this update |
Latest Comments
sebastian: http://sebastian.doc.gold.ac.uk/christmas2005/imag... [read]
John: Diving is relaxing! I'll bring the kit. Happy Ne... [read] Blablablabla: denni if you wish to travel to Indonesia via Tawa... [read] cayce: Hi Denni, Fellow bootsnaller from Kuching here. ... [read] Denni: Thanks Lisa, good to know I'm not alone. Dispute f... [read] Lisa: Sounds exactly like what happened to me! File a di... [read] Denni: Hi Toby, good to hear from you! My own (fiction) ... [read] Toby O'Neil: You're braver than I am --- my few attempts at wri... [read] Denni: You're welcome! :)... [read] |