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February 09, 2004Travel Plans In Upheaval
I am desperately trying to figure out what the heck I am doing for the next two months. I want to hit up Laos for at least 3 weeks, and that leaves me 5 to keep myself busy. I was in different travel agents today, looking at world maps and asking prices. When everywhere you want to go is in below freezing climates (Russia, Mongolia) or such a hassle for visas (the "stans", i.e Kazakstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikstan, etc) it gets frustrating. My timing is just off. However, I may have just found a way to not only have something to do for 5 weeks, but also save money!!!! I was planning on heading to OZ in late May/June, for which my ticket from Bangkok would have been $550 or so. Here in Singapore, STA Travel is doing a promotion to Sydney/Melbourne for $333!!! It just means changing up my order of doing things. This also might allow me to go to Mongolia in the late spring/early summer after I am in Nepal. Tomorrow I am going to go scope it out down at the STA shop so wish me luck. Comments
Liz, Sweet! That'd be awesome - and should at least get you in a more Claudia-friendly climate for a while. Good luck hun! Posted by: Ant on February 9, 2004 04:41 PM |