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October 12, 2003Still Sick in Varanasi
Well, Ant arrived safe and sound. Instead of him being jet-lagged and pooped, it is me who was beat and all lathargic. I keep coughing and hacking, which is very tiring. I might have a few hours with no coughing and hacking, but then it comes back with a vengeance. Way back in Udaipur (like 2+ weeks ago) I went for meds and the pharmacist gave me cipro and cough syrup. The cipro wasn't doing much of anything, and not to be gross, but all the boogies were clear so I don't think I have a respiratory infection. It seems like this is completely smog and pollution related. When I get around dust, my cough goes wild, accompanied by mad sneezing. :( Tomorrow we head to Calcutta, which of course will only aggrevate the situation. We have an overnight train and it should be cake, especially since Anthony is adjusting well. I do feel like I am constantly saying "watch the cow poo," to him though. Tonight I was proud because he negotiated our rickshaw ride home all on his own. I feel like I am not showing Ant the right way to haggle either. Today, we stopped in a small toy shop and purchased a few things. I knew we could have sat and had tea and haggled more, but I just couldn't be bothered over 85 cents. I was hungry at that point and I wanted to get to the place we picked for dinner (turned out to be a good choice too). A final note: where the heck has everyone been?? I haven't gotten email from most people in ages. I feel highly unloved. :( Comments
Missing home, eh? I got your plea for some lovin' and news.. so here goes.. Ok- maybe I have a few tidbits for you.. We had Dione's Bacholerette Party last weekend- went to see "The Donkey show" in NYC ..she was pretty was fun...but tiring! We can't party like rockstars anymore! Um..Nicole STILL isn't in her townhouse (I love you Nicole) Care to enter our pool? haha. We are going "over-under" on dates..I said it will be after Christmas. The big day is coming- yes, my 27th birthday is "T" minus 5 days...(what does the T mean anyway?) We are all excited for the OTHER big day in October, yes, I am now sharing my month...of course, I'm refering to Dione and Greg's wedding day.. (I'm sure I'll have some stories from that event!) It is a beautiful fall so far- warm enough yet the leaves are starting to change. Cruella is crazier than ever...boy, do I have some stories to tell you! Baby Kowalski (Ava) is such a cutie.. I saw her a few weeks ago and she is precious. That's all I've got for now...hope all is well with you and Ant. Posted by: Stephanie on October 13, 2003 11:27 AMOK, the begging for email worked. All I want to know is where you get all of the time to be writing your saga? Seriously, sounds like you're having a good time and experiencing all you can. Keep the stories coming. I guess I missed it, but what is the issue with the sickness? Cipro is an antibiotic, but do you know what exactly the problem is? BTW, I gave Nicole a lot of credit, and am going with the before Thanksgiving move in date. I know I'm going to lose, but I was giving her a date to strive for (Love you Nicole). Dione's wedding sounds like it's going to be a blast. I still can't decide if I'm going to have Duck or Ox-tails! Yum. We're still trying to move. Getting some bites on the townhouse, but haven't found a place to move yet (it's looking more and more likely that we'll move in with Mom, AAAAHHHHHH!!!) Other than that, it's fairly quiet. Catch ya later. Posted by: Liz on October 13, 2003 01:22 PM Well that's more like it!!!! Thanks guys, I wanted to know how everything was. Put my $5 on New Years for Nicole. :) I've gone half way round the world and she still hasn't moved in. Silly girl. :P Liz, I have all the time in the world to check email and do anything I damned well please. I'm a professional bum these days. I'm sure the Dione/Greg event will be great. I was trying to find a traditional Indian wedding gift, but if you are close with a couple, you generally give only the bride a gift of jewelry. Steph, you should have been born Indian. Take LOADS of pics and scan them so I can see. Ok, need to write another post. :)
Hey PC, Glad to hear Ant has finally arrived. I bet is was comforting to see a familiar face..... Your trip sounds awesone thus far. Watch out for the cow poo! (too funny) Socalgirl Posted by: socalgirl on October 14, 2003 06:42 PM |