Recent Entries

October 08, 2003

The Intrepid Experience

I have just completed a 22 day tour of northern India with a great small group tour company called Intrepid Travel. It really prepared me for my solo time here in India. However, the best part of taking this trip was being able to share so many experiences with really great people.

Cat- Thanks for being a fun roomie who dealt really well with me being a forgetful with keys and locking you into rooms by accident. Also, having chats at night about what we experienced during the day was really great.

Kathy- You have the most inspirational spirit and it was great to spend time with you and hear of all your travels, ups/downs, and just general experiences. You should write a book.

Sue- Thanks for educating me on how exactly to get back at people (fish heads in the hubcaps) and the ailments of male horses. Also, as I read Seven Years in Tibet yesterday and they described the western men with beards as "hairy like monkey."

Vanessa and Kellie- Thanks for reminding me that good friends CAN travel together, something I know, but haven't had the chance to experience in a while. Also, I was able to drink beer vicariously through you guys so I didn't have to. :)

Shane and Jane- Thanks for looking after me here and there, especially on the train post tour. You guys are just too sweet, and I made it here to Rishikesh in one piece with no problem.

Terry- Thanks for the post tour brief "marriage of convenience" but more importantly being an outlet for the Eddie Izzard freak in me. There are floppy eared manOOOUvering beekeepers everywhere that are needed on the side of the Sean Connery/Noah built ark!!!

Jan/Ohna/Jannie- Thanks for being the most normal and well traveled family I know. You guys are a rare thing and it was great to know people like you actually do exist. :) I hope you guys can choose between Alaska and floating down the Ganges!!!

and finally

Taesh- Thanks for getting me through northern India without a hitch and making me feel confident enough travel around India on my own. Just watching you deal with people taught me a lot.

Posted by Claudia on October 8, 2003 09:02 AM
Category: People I've Met

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