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August 28, 2003

Midges are EVIL

I fucking HATE midges.

We don't have these little bastards in the States (or at least where I live), and until about a week ago I seemed immune to their little bites. However, after my Old Man of Storr hike, I seemed to be covered with their little pin-prick bites. I had at least 10 of them on my arms alone. Grrr.....

I thought the worst was over until last night in Fort William (and a shithole of a hostel) when I fell asleep with the window open. I had on long sleeves and long pants on, but the little bastards bit the back of my neck and the backs of my hands!! That shows me not to tie my hair back!!!

I hear they don't like cigarette smoke so I'll have to meet some smokers or light up a few myself to keep the little buggers away.

To make matters worse, I just opened my journal so I could get ideas for my blogs and I found 2 dead midges in between the pages. GROSS. Bleh!

Posted by Claudia on August 28, 2003 11:32 AM
Category: Scotland

Even dealing with Southern mosquitoes didn't have me quite prepared for midge attacks on Lewis. Ugh. Luckily I enjoyed some immunity from them, but the swarms alone were annoying as hell.

Posted by: Ant on August 28, 2003 12:48 PM

Sorry to hear about your midge bites.. that does suck.. perhaps they like something you are wearing- like your lotion or soap? Perhaps you should talk to the locals and see what they use to keep the midges away.

Posted by: Stephanie on August 28, 2003 04:13 PM

Check this out!

Posted by: Anon. on October 29, 2003 04:04 PM

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