BootsnAll Travel Network

Some Complementary Pictures

Well, the last time I wrote a somewhat disconcerting post, I followed it up with some pictures. My last post was, I’m sure, somewhat disconcerting to some people, so I will follow that up with some pictures as well. These pictures are not as good as some of the others I’ve posted, but some of them complement previous posts.

And yes, from my last post you may have gathered that I did have a pretty horrible last couple of weeks. Everything that could go wrong did. I spent a night in the hospital, among other things. And for the first time, I actually considered coming home. I have hit the midway point of this trip, and with it, I hit a wall as well. But I’m not going to let these setbacks beat me. I think I will stop worrying so much about money, and start staying at better (not bat shit infested) places, and eating better, and doing more to have fun, even if it cost some money.

So on with the pictures.

Click on the images to see them full size.

This is the room I puked in. I don’t think it had anything to do with the fact that the room had this bat in it. But check out all the shit that had accumulated on the bottom of the window. Some of it dropped down onto the floor. I didn’t notice it when I first arrived because the door to the bathroom was swung open, hiding the bat . . . and the shit.

It really was a bat shit infested room

Saw this scene on my bicycle ride depicted in this post

From my bike ride on Don Khong

Sunflowers near the Mekong River in Vientiane, Laos

I stood among the bees to get this picture

Have you ever seen one of these?

Oh, I forgot to mention that I went to the planet Septron, and this was the only animal life I saw there.

My hammock outside the bungalow from my famous squat toilet post

Lounging in my hammock on Don Khon, and not feeling nauseous

I got wasted on shrooms at this place. And listened to reggae music all night

I don't know this guy, but he reminded me of Larry Bird.

Vang Vieng, Laos. I only rode on one of those tubes, down the river for about 2 hours.

Riding the Tubes

Chiang Mai, Thailand

I Pissed there

My bungalow from this post

You can't see the huge stain I mentioned in the post, but it's there.

On Don Khon, of the 4000 Islands, Laos

I'm a monkey, I'm a monkey

Shot from Don Khong, of the 4000 Islands


So cute I had to include him twice.

He tried to eat me!

Sunset on Don Khon, 4000 Islands.


Found this guy in my room in Vang Vieng, Laos

Remember the video game centipede? Well, this is a millipede.

Feeding Time

The famous bungalow

Hey, Bungalow Bill

Vang Vieng, Laos

Do I look any different to anyone after 5 months?

From one of the 10 hour boat rides to the Thai border.

It's funny watching The Flintstones in Thai

From the waterfall, at Don Khon

Waterfall, but you wouldn't know it

Okay, that’s all for today

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