Happy 09!!
Well it has been a bit since we have posted. Been doing some soul searching and trying to figure out what to do with life. We for the moment we are headed back to Bahrain! A friend of ours is going on Maternity leave so Maryanne is going to cover for her for three months. This way we can save some more money and plan what we are going to do next. Right now the vote is to hop over to Micronesia and dive our butts off. Then again anyone who knows us, will know that might change lol. We could just as easily bypass asia and head to europe! J/K I think we are both really excited about diving in Micronesia. For now we are just jazzed to head back to Bahrain and catch up with friends in both Qatar and Bahrain, maybe head to Germany to see Yvonne and Travis our old travel buddies! Oh and of course go to Nando’s for hommous!!
So for the last week and a half, just been touring the island, stopping off at coffee shops and oh yeah did some more diving! Well Maryanne did more diving than I did. According to my dive computer manual, if it goes haywire on a dive than you are supposed to not dive for 24 hours. My dive computer went nuts on the first dive, I was just hovering in one spot but the watch said I was going up and down by 10m. Not to mention the temperature reading was going from 0 degrees to 119 C. What a pain in the butt, now got to send it off to get fixed. The diving was good though, Maryanne saw a 3m leopard shark sleeping on the bottom. She hovered above it for about 5 min just taking it in. Of course she didn’t have the camera, but was happy to have had the experience. We got a really good deal to go on the liveaboard, plus we were going with Roger and Linda so couldn’t pass it up.
Now we are going to be working our way up to Bangkok tomorrow and then fly out in a few days to Bahrain. Not sure when as we don’t even have tickets yet!!! We do need a few days as Maryanne has to buy some clothes for work. Figure it will be a lot cheaper buying them here than back in Bahrain. It is going to be wierd washing clothes in a machine instead of by hand in the sink!!
Awe the joys of civilization. We are so excited about little things like washing our clothes, cooking in a really kitchen, sleeping in a warm, soft bed, having AC, oh and of course taking a nice hot shower. Not that I am asking for much right. Of course the biggest joy is seeing all our great friends in Qatar and Bahrain. We have missed you guys lots.
Tags: Thailand
WOW! Hope to see you guys around.
Now what? been a while and no postings.. what is up? Good news is Brandon and I will be back in Qatar in June 09, please let us know wheir you both will be. take care miss you
our our love
shelly and brandon