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Dubai Culture

Dubai Culture

Dubai is one of the most cosmopolitan cities in the world, as well as one of the most culturally diverse places in the world. The economic expansion has further expanded the migration of foreign people to Dubai. Thus its culture is getting even more diverse in its nature. It has been noted by research, that the first people to migrate to the Dubai region were the Iranians, who were then followed by Pakistanis and Indians.

Though Dubai is a global city, the official religion followed there is Islam. However, many different religions are also practiced there due to so many immigrants. Just as Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhist, Christians and others are all allowed to practice their own individual religions, they are also allowed to establish their religious temples in which to worship.

Similarly, in terms of languages, it can be said that Dubai is a universal city.  Though Arabic is the official language, English is used while speaking most of the time. Several other languages are also widely used, such as Hindi and Tagalog of Philippines.

There are several different festivals that are celebrated in Dubai. The most famous ones are Ramadan, Eid ul Fitr and Eid ul Azha. Other events include the Dubai shopping festivals, National day celebrations, Dubai world cup, Dubai desert classic and Dubai Summer surprises to name a few.

There are usually ten holidays in a year according to Dubai culture. Most of the holidays are included from Islamic calendar like the event of the Mairaj, and Eid Milad un nabi, and a holiday on the onset of the month of Ramadan, as well as on the events of Eid ul Fitr and Eid ul Azha. The other holidays include the Christmas and New Year celebrations. Additionally, another important holiday comes on the second of December which marks the event of the formation of the United Arab Emirates and the adoption of Dubai’s Dirham.

Many people migrate to Dubai on short-term visits just to enjoy their free days. They can easily get accommodations there and can casually live as long as their visits last.  And you can start by booking you’re vacation at where they offer great prices for the best lodging. In addition to the holidays and easy accommodations, sports also make up an important part of Dubai’s culture. Though there are many different sports played in Dubai, including the indoor and outdoor games, as well as the various Western and Eastern games; one of the most popular games played in Dubai is Football – also known as soccer. The whole idea of this for Emirates is full of passion and ardor for this game. Other national games include falconry and camel racing, to name a few.

While talking in terms of music, it has been said that there are so many different types of music being played and enjoyed in Dubai, though Arabic music is preferred on the local TV channels. Arabic nightclubs are the main venues for going out and enjoying traditional Arabian music as well.

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