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March 27, 2005

Two Rolf(e)s Become One Again

I am back in Delhi, and today I took Rolfe to the airport and said goodbye. It has been a really wonderful time, travelling with him (some of which I'll relate over the next few days). Since we have been joined at the hip for three weeks, I have had almost no time alone, and am very behind on the travel blog. What only adds to this feeling of pressure, is that my own trip is drawing to a close (only another four weeks!) and there is still so much I want to see and do...

Today, while I have a big city internet connection, and over the next few days, I'll try and catch up on the blog, adding some of our recent adventures from the past weeks in Chennai, Delhi, Agra, Orccha, Kajuraho, Varanasi, Rishikesh, and finally back to Delhi for the madness of Holi, a day during which Indians go even more nuts than usual, and throw paint at each other...

Posted by rolfg on March 27, 2005 03:50 PM
Category: 4. Travelling Northwards
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