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November 03, 2004

back from PA

went with the radies to PA to cheer for Kerry. They were very supportive and I like Philly a lot, but I'm exhausted. I can't believe Bush is doing as well as he is......this is very stressful. Still, even if Cherry becomes prez I've still got my immediate situation to work out. I guess by tomorrow we'll know.
Look, I had no illusions about Kerry. I didn't even like him that much; not that I hated him, but he just didn't seem great. And under Clinton I had my share of grievances. BUt this.......this is too much. HOW does Bush get so popular? I don't understand this country. I don't understand women who vote for this guy and don't want other women's civil liberties held up. I'm serious. I don't understand why people would want these people with atrocious human rights records to be in charge. I know: assimilation. But that alone can't explain it. I guess I'm biased and influenced by my experience, but all this W is for women stuff isn't cutting it, I mean please! Who has a right to tell a woman she can't have an abortion, use birth control; and Bush supports horrid regimes that force women to hide under veils when they go out side (Saudi Arabia). I just don't understand this place. ??????????

Posted by Laura S on November 3, 2004 12:48 AM
Category: The travels
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