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August 07, 2004

Welcome, porn surfers

Hi... This isn't the most serious of entries. I wrote it two evenings ago, and have been deliberating over whether to post it. And it's kind of overly self-important. But, seeing as the previous post was so angsty, I felt the two probably balanced each other. Best wishes, Daniel

I've got a new hobby. BootsnAll recently added a stats counter on to my site, so I have since been religiously monitoring the numbers each day.

The most interesting aspect of the stats counter is that it monitors how people get to my site - such as coming across it on one of bootsnall's pages, from another website that's put up a link to mine, or from a search engine query. I've got a huge number of visitors from the Meek and Gentle Girls' Sarawakian blogs - so linking blog to blog is quite a marketing tool.

The most intruiging data, however, are the google queries which people entered in order to bring up my blog in the list of results. Some of these give me a warm glow of satisfaction: the person who typed in "travelling without a guidebook", and got my advice and ranting about doing that very thing; the person that typed in "bob breen dan inosanto", and got my whole Thai boxing digression about learning martial arts with those very people. The same goes for things like, "Lao wedding", "Lugu Hu", "Mitre Hotel Singapore".

Some searches, like "locked wood box", I'm not at all sure what the searcher hoped to find, so am just pleased that they gave my diary a chance. But the people I feel I've totally failed are people searching for more, well, adult material. Searches that have brought luckless seekers to me include "Thai schoolgirls", "Gypsy porn" (several times), "Youngest ever girl porn star", "Nicaragua porn", "old peole sex pictures"; and other, more ambiguous searches like, "orangutan picture bum", "farang crazy thai women", "sarawak girls".

Back in China, my friend Tim tried to convince me that if I started giving my articles titles like "Silver tongued lesbians", I'd get more hits - it turns out he was probably right. The page on my site that gets most of my adult material seekers is the article entitled "Gypsy porn star nazis". Type in "gypsy porn" into google, my site is number one on the list. It's something to be proud of I think. The additional hook is that each page on my blog has links in the sidebars to lots of other pages - so typing up "Nicaragua porn" brings up the Gypsy porn star nazis page because, in the title is "porn", and in the bottom right corner is a link to my piece entitled "Nicaragua".
It occurs to me now that, as the Gypsy porn stars article is now some way back in the past, probably that great majority of people coming to the page are the soon to be frustrated porn searchers. Bearing that in mind - perhaps I should rewrite it? All that stuff about Tibetan north west China and getting an upset stomach - that's surely not going to satisfy someone doing their typing one handed. So, I'm thinking of maybe adding in a gay bath house scene, or perhaps a violet eyed and lustfully innocent Tibetan girl, who of course is overwelmed by my irresistible manliness. "She gasped as I pulled open her thick winter cloak..." - hmm, perhaps I should stick to the travel writing...

I should of course say that I have no issue with people coming to my site as part of their search for adult material - I mean, sometimes even I've... well, a good friend of mine has... If that's how you've come to the site, hello, and welcome, hope you like the writing, please leave a comment; sure if I get lots of encouraging comments, I'll start adding in porn themed sections - even a webcam perhaps? Like many blog writers, I am immensely vain, and will do or say anything that I think might get me more readers.

But, in the meantime, I recommend Sarong Party Girl's blog, for scenes where Isabella, "strips down to her panties" so that her maid can give her a full body massage. And for some pictures, this guy in Hong Kong has lots of models / covergirls pinned up among the political commentary.

Thanks for reading everybody!

Daniel, 8 August 2004, KL

Posted by Daniel on August 7, 2004 05:31 PM
Category: Malaysia

I am not going to suggest anything here. I vaguely remember how I got to your blog, ......I think there was a link on Macdyne's blog to urrrghh it's a relief to know you haven't been tracking my filth.

As for titles to the many entries on your blog,......well done....hehehe

Posted by: SP on August 8, 2004 01:27 AM

I think I happened upon your blog when I did a google for KL bloggers.... well, that's my hope.

And I'm glad I did. You posts have been both ecouraging (really) and escapist fun. Thanks for sharing.

Posted by: lima on August 8, 2004 11:14 AM

Hehe this is great - best laugh i've had all week. Thx Dan.

(BTW, couch in Sydney still available for recuperation)


Posted by: Duncan Campbell on August 8, 2004 07:35 PM

as a website owner (and I'm trying to open up my online business) i too religiously follow my stats..well, more the income side of it. I'd be interested in hearing more about how many of us readers follow The Adventures of Dan, and any other interesting stats your reports may provide you.

Posted by: Rogerio on August 9, 2004 10:59 PM

Hi Rogerio, just click the blue globe icon at the bottom of this page, or go to:;sum?login=npah

The averages are a bit nonsensical at the moment, because the stats counter was only recently set up (eg in the mornings they fall, to reflect a new day with only one or two readers so far) - but lots of interesting geeky facts to investigate.
American and Malaysian readers together make up about 58% of my audience, for instance... And my most popular day of the week is Monday, perhaps suggesting a lot of you guys are visiting the site from work pcs...

Raquel: No one really stands out Tarlia as particularly geeky, I suppose you all qualify...

Posted by: Daniel on August 11, 2004 03:23 PM

If I were to take 12 months off how much $$ USD would I need? I am trying to build some type of budget and need some place to start. Your traveling styles are (I hope) similar to mine, when and if I go. Ballpark figures only. Use dacarlo at doyonuniversal com for my email.

Posted by: Darlitia on August 14, 2004 04:14 AM

Darlitia: I would say that 10 or 11 000 US dollars would be a good figure for 12 months. The key is how long you want to spend in the first world. North America, Europe, Japan, Oz etc will be much, much more expensive than Asia, Latin America etc. I don't want to think about how expensive my five weeks in N America / Canada was.

If you buy a round the world ticket and only visit the cheaper countries of the world you could well need a lot less than 10 thousand dollars.

It is quite possible to have a good experience on 18 dollars a day, 550 dollars a month or less (the numbers look odd because I'm converting from my budget of 10 pounds a day, 300 a month) in Asia or in places like Guatemala. But better to take a bit more than minimum so you don't go budget crazy.

And if you plan to stop in places and volunteer or study, it is possible to spend less as you can rent out a place on a monthly rate and cook your own food. I think the fewer destinations, the cheaper it will be.

Maybe email me your planned route, and I can give some suggestions!


Posted by: Daniel on August 15, 2004 09:57 PM

Hi Duncan - well, new developments indicate I may be taking you up on that offer... Applying for visas at the moment - hoping nothing will go wrong with that. Will give details soon...

Posted by: Daniel on August 15, 2004 10:02 PM
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