Rajasthan & Agra
Ok sorry folks. I haven’t been near a Internet shop in a while. Well I’m alive. The weather has been hot around 35 degrees which is 9? in celicius. I have to leave now to have my rikshaw driver take me back to my driver. Each city I’ve been to has some fort or other to see. I just saw the taj wjich is amazing as its one of the 7 wonders of the world. Hopefully when I get back to the hotel I can find an internet shop. This one is next to the Taj. So this really friendly hotel manager sold me a cheap seat on a train. I paid him $45 in ruppes. So far thats all thats been taken so I’m counting my blessings. I’ve upgraded my ticket to an actual sleeper bed. I’m going to Rishikesh which is a holy city and will hopefully stay at an Ashram which are yoga places etc. Gotta go will write more. I was annoyed and upset at first with this guy but after I thought about I can’t do anything to change it unless we were to have driven back the 5 hoursa to that city. He needs it nmore I guess. Anyways Namaste. Will write soon if not today the day after tomorrow when I get to Rishikesh. Ciao Liliana. Sorry no pictures yet as it takes time.
Tags: Travel
Hi Yana,
I lost another entry when I hit submit. Basically I just said that it was good to hear from you, finally, and that we wern’t really too worried because we knew you were in the middle of the desert. I didn’t really get what happened with the guy and the train tickets and you getting ripped off? Let us know when you are getting back. Looking forward to hearing more about what you’ve been up to.