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Archive for July, 2009

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4th Of July

Saturday, July 4th, 2009

bootna2.jpgYeah!! summer is finally here. This phrase commonly used by people who live in Door County.  Believe me, this expression has many meanings. For some, it could mean the warm weather has arrived, for others,  it means seasonal visitors have finally begun to arrive in substantial numbers. For those local people, who depend on a thriving tourism economy, it  means they will have business.The happy mood and excitement can be felt in the air. The whole area is alive and thriving, visitors are flying about exploring the county and its many attractions. Everyone seems to be as busy as the humming birds who flit around my front yard, darting from  flower to flower or enjoying the feeder.  Everywhere the 4th of July celebration is exploding on the scene, and the many local fireworks displays, off the beach front areas, from Sturgeon Bay, Egg Harbor, Bailey’s Harbor, Fish Creek, and on through to Gills Rock, at the tip of the peninsula just north of  Ellison Bay, are ready to gloriously explode into the  celebratory summer’s night.  The weather forecast looks very good, and looks ripe to hold up it’s end of the holiday bargain.

Summer In Door County

Wednesday, July 1st, 2009

panorama1a.jpgIt’s 1st of July but it feels like winter. It’s rainy and gloomy  today – 18 C. Well it’s Door County what should I expect. I hope the weather will be nicer by 4th of July because I’d like to go to see Fish Creek Fireworks and take some pictures. After few days with the heat wave this cold weather is very unpleasant.