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Archive for March, 2006

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Time Flies

Tuesday, March 21st, 2006

Wow, does it ever. If the time between posts is a measurement of the amount of fun we’re having then…it’s been a long time since our last post.  Too many excuses to list so I won’t even bother.

 We’re in Australia right now having a wonderful with my parents. That’s right!  Mike and Diana made the trip to OZ and have been living it up with us for the last few days. We picked them up in Brisbane last Friday and have been kicking around the Gold Coast area for several days now. Hopefully they’ll have some fun stories to share with you all.

 Terra and I continue to be amazed at all of the cool stuff (people, places, things) the world has to offer.

Wish we had more time/money to keep up on the blog but will try to do some review posts shortly (we’ve been saying that for almost 2months now) 🙂

enough for now. off to have more fun with the Folks.


FYI. we were nowhere near the big cyclone that hit Australia a few days ago. safely south. did get some of the aftermath wind and rain however. piece of cake.

 will write again soon. i hope!