Getting crazy!!!
Monday, October 4th, 2010Ah!!!!Can’t wait to get out of here!people here are insane!!don’t know how they do this! Drinking all night and working all day!bj,one of the chefs here (here name is actually bonita but she’s called bj which is already sick because it’s short for blow j…) anyway. She was so on alc and what so ever that she was walking in slow-motion and ah totally Fu…up breakfast so that people walked out because they couldn’t be bothered waiting anymore!!!it’s like working with children,only prob is that this is not a playground!!!anyway. Last getaways have been to balloch and largs.nothing special but staying with normal people in a normal house somewhere closer to civilisation than this so yeah actually it was very special:-)! Season is kinda over so working hours ar going down which means more time to spend money in the bar:-) (working less but spending more money,that is not really good but hey school and codes keeps me alive),read books and ah I kind of started to learn Spanish,but don’t expect too much. To comment on RITAS comment: yes my English is improving, people even think I’m local or from Australia because of my nz accent.still very scared of picking up to much Scottish!but yeah I guess it is more useful housekeeping vocabulary I’m picking up like socked and Hoover 🙂 but one thing I can tell you my german is getting really bad! When I try to speak to german customers I always start a sentence but it’s just the wrong structure and I can’t end the sentence which is actually very depressing.some Germans even said to me that my german is pretty good and where I learned to speek it:-) all in all I think with all those different people and all those rumors up here I should really considering writing a book about it. But more importAnt is probably that I keep reminding myself that I’m normAl and they are crazy!but ah maybe I’m the one who’s crazy?! I mean is it weird to not drink every night and the whole night when you are working 13 hours the next day???anyway! I’m thinking of you guys every day and ann only 11 days to go and mum elli and Andre are going to nbd here! Can’t wait!!!!btw Collin if you reAd this:get your ass on the plane!it would be a pleasure to welcome you here:-) Hab euch lieb!!!ah and btw it’s getting f……frezing and I can’t wait to go to thailand