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It all begins…

Friday, April 17th, 2009

Just a couple of weeks ago I bought my plane ticket to Dublin!! YAAAY!! That means my trip is coming up just that much faster and I’m that one step closer! So excited; it’s under 11 weeks now till I go! My ticket cost $497 USD (!!), I leave Vancouver at 9am on July 2nd, with stopovers in Chicago and Newark, and I land in Dublin at 9:25am the next day! Which is great because I’ll have the whole day to meander around Dublin, find some food and Guiness, and locate my hostel. And lots of time to sleep on a park bench and recover from my, what I assume will be, insane jet-lag. I can’t wait!!!

Also today, in the mail, came my tickets for the Military Tatto that I booked way back in December. So happy!

Hello World Traveller!

Friday, April 17th, 2009

Welcome to BootsnAll Travel Blogs. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!