Boa Viagem!
14 July 2005 (Thursday) – Recife, Brazil
I spent the day today accompanying Katharina to run all her usual errands, having her hair cut, visiting her aunts, going to the gym and her bolero dancing classes. Along the way, I met so many friendly people that I could not keep track of anymore.
At her dancing classes, some of her dancing companions recognised me from our Sunday’s embarrassing excursion to the ancient bolero/salsa dancing hall, and all greeted me with delight and familiarity. Later, when they were leaving, an auntie came up suddenly to kiss my head and gave me a fond farewell hug. Others similarly gave me well-wishes and such.
Katharina and I had been amazed at how our friendship had taken off. Although I had been in Recife for 6 days (yes, tomorrow she has to work for 2 days again), it felt as if it was just yesterday that we met.
We had spent a lot of time, sitting around, by the beach in Porto de Galinhas, in the natural swimming pool, near Boa Viagem beach, in her car as she drove us around, just talking and talking about everything, about our lives, about the things we have in common, about the crazy things we do, getting to know each other and understanding each other’s culture. We simply hit it off!
I know that oftentimes, you can tell right away, based on the aura of the person and the energy he/she gives off, whether you would get along with that person. And both of us just got along swimmingly, we connected.
We are both crazy single women, in our 30s who can’t cook and we both love cracking jokes about crazy single women, in their 30s and who can’t cook. After we exchanged some silly little anecdotes in our lives, we would stare at each other in absolute disbelief, “Oh my god, you are SO unbelievable / crazy / ridiculous / stupid / mad mad mad!!!” and bend over with hysterical laughter.
So, we would always be poking fun at each other, somehow rescuing each other out of the little disasters we create around the apartment and wondering, “Gosh, Katharina/Trisha… what would YOU do without me??”
Katharina had been nursing the thought of doing a solo trip for many months somewhere, anywhere, for a long, long time. Now having met me, she finally knew it was possible, for I am still alive. I know it is also possible for her, with her travel spirit, intelligence, sense of humour and love of life. I gave her all my blessings for her to have her own amazing trip. Boa viagem (Have a nice trip), Katharina!!!
Tags: 03) The Land of the Spirits, Recife