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My Hajj trip

Monday, April 27th, 2009

Bismillah, let me begin by saying that there is no way I could ever thank the Staff of British Hajj & Umrah Services, Maulana Yunus Dudhwala Sahib, Haji Ibrahim Mall Sahib, Mufti Abdul Hamid Sahib and Mufti Yahya Madni Sahib. The generosity lent to me for the duration of this trip was amazing and unexpected. From the trips inception, actually, rather from the inception of my registration with this group I was immediately contacted via email from Haji Ibrahim Mall Sahib, who is a dedicated member of staff and one of the group leaders.There was a seminar at Pink Garlic Restaurant led by Brother Sabir Kothia and Mufti Abdul Hamid who both gave us the necessary knowledge and tips needed for a successful Umrah and in-turn Hajj trip. I went to the Seminar and was happy to me a few of the group leaders with an amazing explanation of everything I needed to know. My learning experience did not even end there for that day even. A few days later I received my documents back and was ready for hajj – and so the journey that some say is of a lifetime began. To make a long story short, the stay in Makkah was one of the most enjoyable experiences that I have ever involved my self with I felt slightly guilty staying at the 5 Star Dar Al Tawhid Hotel in front of the Haramain whilst other pilgrims stayed in zero Star Hotels 30 mins from the mosque. Mufti Yahya has to be one the greatest guys that I have ever met in my life. Yes indeed his qualifications are that of a typical Imam or Shaikh but you would engage in a conversation with him and believe that he was equal because of the way he tried to level with the people around him, he’s a very easy going and friendly and very understandable person to know. His lessons and teachings were easy to understand and hard to even forget once you heard him. That brings me to another point – the teachings and learning classes were throughout the entire journey day in and day out with this group which was an added plus for me. The hotel in madinah was up to standard and I would say 4 star level as promised to us in the inception and city it self was undesirable, a calmness that is hard to understand covers this city in its entirety. The stay ended in Madinah and thus we went to Shisha to prepare for hajj – this was ok and understandable and was what we were told on the online seminar prior to hajj. During the actual days of hajj there was really nothing to comment about that was too special but everything was pretty much organized from the side of the group. May Allah bless me and bless the group organizers inshaallah.

Hello World Traveller!

Monday, April 27th, 2009

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