BootsnAll Travel Network

Sweet As

I made my way up to the northern tip of the South Island and, after dropping off the people who were taking the ferry to the North Island, we headed to the town of Nelson. Nelson was a surprisingly large town that serves as a base for exploring nearby Abel Tasman National Park. I only had one evening to spend in town so I took the chance to lounge around the hostel and watch some authentic New Zealand T.V. programming: Extreme Home Makeover Home Edition and CSI Miami.

The next day we set out for Westport and on the way we stopped and took pictures by a gorgeous lake. Some jumped into the lake to get a great photo and were promptly faced with ice-cube-making conditions. The view was too good but we had to leave to get to our jet boating activity in the Buller River Gorge. I got to the jetboating place and got all suited up and ready. We rode in the boat, which was on a trailer that was attached to a tractor. Stu, our boat driver, backed us into the water and hopped in and we were humming down the river in no time. The boat is fitted with two super-powered jets in the back of the boat which don’t actually touch the water but instead shoot it at incredible speeds to propel the boat over 10-12 centimeters of water. We did a few exhilarating fishtails and spins and then Stu headed straight for a couple of rock outcrops and then cut it at the absolute last moment. We had a great time and it was a bit of an adrenaline rush. I recommend it.


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