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Trip back to Germany

Tuesday, July 22nd, 2008

After 7 stages, 857 km, 16 Alp passes and 16.849 Altitude meters on the road bike we went back to Germany in the Camper bus.

Stage 1:  Oberammergau – Sölden
Stage 2:  Sölden – Brixen
Stage 3:  Brixen – St.Vigil
Stage 4:  St.Vigil – Sexten
Stage 5:  Sexten – Falcade
Stage 6:  Falcade – Feltre
Stage 7:  Feltre – Bibione
140,75 km –
124,06 km –
90,55 km –
101,80 km –
130,41 km –
116,74 km –
154,73 km –
859,04 km – 
2453 altitude meters
3093 altitude meters
2909 altitude meters
2128 altitude meters
3146 altitude meters
2638 altitude meters
482 altitude meters
16.849 altitude meters

The link below has a lot of pictures and impression of this great event:

From the 100.000 beach umbrellas in Bibione we drove to Verona, where the story of Romeo and Julia was set.

We saw the famous Roman amphitheatre and had nice Gelati on the market place.


From there we drove to the Lago de Gardo and camped on the west side


The next morning we took another bike ride up to Lago de Tenno, a beautiful lake on top of Lago de Gardo





And then we really had to cross the Alps back into Germany.

Beautiful 1 1/2 weeks full of activities and expierences.

Maybe there is a TransAlp Tour 2009 🙂


Day 7

Sunday, July 13th, 2008

Day 7: 12th of July  —  FINALE


Stage 7:  Feltre – Bibione   154,73 km – 482 altitude meters

I thought the last stage is a “Kaffeefahrt”

But I was wrong!!! The tempo from the very first minute was high.

After averaging 30 km/h we passed the finish lie in Bibione around 2:10 pm.
Raik pulled all the power out of me on the last few kilometers.

859 km and 16.849 altitude meters with 16 passes were behind us.


After waiting for Ulla, who were stucked in Italian traffic, we jumped into the Adria.


Our tour camper was parked directly on the beach behind 100.000 beach umbrellas.

Big beach party and two happy bikers.


Greetings from Raik, Steffen and Ulla

Day 6

Friday, July 11th, 2008
Day 6: 11th of July profile-day-6.JPG Stage 6:  Falcade - Feltre   116,74 km - 2603 altitude meters We are coming to the end - we just left the beautiful Dolomites! The start went immediately uphill, no warm-up just "Kleine ... [Continue reading this entry]

Day 5

Thursday, July 10th, 2008
Day 5: 10th of July profile-day-5.JPG Stage 5:  Sexten - Falcade   130,41 km - 3139 altitude meters They called it the "Koenigsetappe" - Kings stage But it WAS the killer stage!!! Nichts fuer Eibemmen und grosse Gaenge!!! 4 Alp passes, ... [Continue reading this entry]

Day 4

Wednesday, July 9th, 2008
profile-day-4.JPG Day 4: 9th of July Stage 4: St.Vigil - Sexten 101,80 km - 3146 altitude meters CHECK FOR MORE PICTURES DOWN -Internet connection is not so great Sunny Start in St.Vigil - the Panoramo stage [Continue reading this entry]

Day 3

Wednesday, July 9th, 2008
Day 3: 8th of July profile-day-3.JPG Stage 3:  Brixen - St.Vigil    90,55 km - 2128 altitude meters day-3-001.JPG  Start in Brixen - 3 hours uphill in sunny weather Furkel pass at the end - ... [Continue reading this entry]

Day 2

Wednesday, July 9th, 2008
profile-day-2.JPG Day 2:  7th of July Stage 2:  Sölden - Brixen     140,75 km - 2909 altitude meters day-2-001.JPG  Rain, Rain, Rain Start in Soelden with 8°C, the first pass with 0°C day-2-002.JPG[Continue reading this entry]

Day 1

Tuesday, July 8th, 2008
6th of July Stage 1:  Oberammergau - Sölden  140 km 2453 altitude meters profile-day-1.JPG day-1-010.JPG day-1-003.JPG  Normal check-in was July 5th. But Lotti, Ulla and Raik's daugther had her graduation and ... [Continue reading this entry]

Welcome to my blog

Wednesday, June 18th, 2008
SteffenHello, I'm starting this blog today to document my big summer challenge 2008. Crossing the alps on a bike!!! Last year, my ... [Continue reading this entry]