Thursday, June 30th, 2005
Three days ago, Monday June 27th, I finally turned 25 years old. “Great Scott” am I 25 already?! 21 and 18 seems like it was just yesterday. How time flies….I remember when I was younger, I always wished that time would turn quicker so I can become older sooner. However, these past couple of years, the sentiment have been completely opposite. I’ve been hoping time would slow down but it only goes faster and faster. The coming of age is inevitable. Every year, one becomes a year older and there is nothing one can do anything about it except maybe to just lie about your age when somebody asks for it! Turning 25 is no different than turning 24 or 23 but I think somehow, this birthday will leave an impression on me that I will not likely to forget!
First of all, this is my first birthday spent in Japan, woohoo! and what an interesting way to spend my 25th birthday then with my new Japanese friends and local American friends that I’ve only known for about 11 months. Never would I have thought that I would be living in Japan and learning Japanese when I am 25. If we look back at “Tony’s life plan,” first thought up around 18 years old Senior in High School, by 25 years old, I should be finishing up my 3rd year in Medical School. As you can see, I am nowhere near that! I guess that’s why I freak myself out sometimes because nothing so far is going according to my life plan and the only thing that is going according to plan is turning one year older every year! At least I don’t look 25 I think?! What can I say, I’m more of a person that sees the glass half empty than half full. Recently, I’ve been thinking more and more about my future, my career, my life. I know I’m a worrisome freak, I think I get that from my mom. I can’t help it.! I have a theory that subconsciously or even consciously, I’m in Japan because I’m escaping reality and procrastinating my real life from continuing. Any thoughts on that?
Ok, besides all these worries I have about becoming 25 or a year older, which I can talk on forever about, I did have a great time celebrating it. So far, I’ve already gone out to eat with different friends on 3 separate occasions and I think 1 or 2 more times are in the planning. The celebration actually started a week before my bday and going on almost a week afterward. This is the problem when everybody works like feigns in Japan and scheduling to have a meal together is even a challenge. The week before my Bday, I had Okinawa cuisine (Okinawa is an island off Japan near Taiwan. It is like the Hawaii of Japan, warm all-year round). The food was very good and the taste was very reminiscent of Taiwan cuisine. Two things I had that were very interesting: pig ear, and “sea grape,” which were these green strings of tiny beads. I think they’re just some type of edible sea grass. They taste better than they sound actually! Then the weekend before my Bday, I had my own little gathering in my town at a local yakitori (meat on a stick) joint where my local buddies and I usually hang out to eat and drink. We’re friends with the family that run the place so they were very accommodating. The chef, and also the owner of the place, roasted a whole chicken for me and my guests and bought me a cake without charging us any extra for it. It was really nice of them. That night, it was good eating, talking, laughing, and lots of beer drinking! Finally on the day of my birthday, I had dinner with my two closest Japanese friends who I first met in Taiwan last year. We had all you can eat sushi and I don’t mean buffet style like Todai in LA. We had a sushi chef to ourselves and we order from the menu what sushi we wanted to eat and he would make it right on the spot in front of us. It was very cool and it was probably the best sushi I’ve had in Japan so far. One of my friends on the other hand kept eating the fish part of the sushi and leaving me the rice portion. She wanted to make sure I had plenty to eat! All and all, I can’t complain too much about my birthday. Yeah, I’m not spending it with family or close friends but I still got a card for my birthday exactly ON my birthday and I got greetings from many friends back home. To all of you that sent me a greeting: Thank you and I will write you back soon……..I hope!