Cebiche amigos!
Friday, May 28th, 2010Full disclosure: I’m about to go foodie on you.
If you put me on the spot, I’d tell you that my three great loves in life are(in order): Sid, food, and food. Sid’s at home. So today I had a little fling with ceviche. This lovely dish of raw fish(cured in lime juice) is the national culinary pride of Peru. And Lima is right on the ocean, making this city ceviche world headquarters. I was told no restaurant does it better than Pescado Capitales. Now I can attest to that claim.
I started with Tuna Tiradito: thin tuna slices marinated in lime juice, cilantro, black pepper, and olive oil. Topped with a mixed sauce of honey, orange juice, olive oil, and oyster sauce. This was amazing.
Next up, Capital Cebiche 3×3: sole, salmon, and tuna with three types of onions(white, red, and chives) and three types of chiles(yellow, limo, and rocoto).
And as if two entree-sized portions of cevice weren’t enough:
It seems like whenever I travel these days, I make an effort to seek out the best food being cooked in that given locale. When I’m really successful in that endeavor, I end up finding that one special restaurant that I’ll talk about for years to come. That’s what happened today. If you’re ever in Lima, you owe it to yourself to check our Pescado Capitales.