BootsnAll Travel Network

9/25 Thurs – San Vincenzo

San Vincenzo – in the province of Livorno, area ofTuscany is located just north of the island of Elba. This section of the Leghorn coast where San Vincenzo is found today has been inhabited since the early Palaeolithic era, but it was with the arrival of the Etruscans that the area knew a remarkable civilization. In fact, San Vincenzo is in the vicinity of the promontory of Populonia, the seat of a powerful Etruscan territory ruled by a lucomon.

The presence of metals within the territory of San Vincenzo, and particularly on the slopes of Mount Calvi, meant that the Etruscans developed here a considerable activity of extraction and fusion, numerous traces of which have been discovered at the archeological dig located in Populonia about 5 km S.

Once the Romans conquered the Etruscans, the Aurelian Way passed by San Vincenzo, it’s thought a village and a landing stage were founded on the spot. In the 9th century in the locale of San Vincentium there used to exist a small shelter for pilgrims. In 1304 the Pisans had a watch tower erected with a fortress which, two centuries later, in 1505, was the scene of Pisa’s attempted revolt against Florence.

Today now that we have the car we decide to peruse the town of San Vincenzo. It is located on the waterfront with a very large marina on the ocean side. At the time we hit it everything was closed but one advantage is that we can window shop and get to know the town without people everywhere.

Took many pictures as again the shops are fascinating. Furniture stores, restaurants, jewelry and fine glass, toy, kitchen appliance, patio etc. – all small stores and displayed so differently than over here.

We stop at one of their “Bars” for a glass of wine and munchies – at the table in front of us is a woman with two boys around 10 and 8. They were in our line of vision so we could observe them at our leisure. Somehow kids are the same the world over except these look very Italian.

Back at Rezidenza de Cavallageri around 5 o’clock I,m talking to Denise outside because we can’t connect inside so I’m sitting on the stairs by the tennis court, the sun is going down and there is a most magnificent sunset. I manage to capture a number of nice shots for posterity. Tonight we again eat at our local Ristorante.


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