BootsnAll Travel Network

9/14 Sun – Venice

Our trip is already done but no computers available wherever we went – didn’t want to take time out to search them out so here we go now that we are back from our adventures.

First day – 9/14/08 – left sat arrived Venice 1:30 pm Sunday. Good flight over, landed successfully and met immediately by our water taxi escort, very pricey $355.00 but well worth it as we never would have found our Hotel Castello. If you are flying in the only way you can actually in to Venice is by water taxi; about a 30 minute ride; it cuts across the bay to the 100 islands that make up Venice, connected by 400 bridges and 2,000 alleys. There are only 3 actual canals as they are the main large ones, the rest are called rivers. If you are coming in by train then you can catch the Vaporetto (like a small ferry boat) down the Grand Canal to your stop.

We were the last to check in to our hotel – the only room left was on the 3rd floor – no lift, so they let us stay in a broom closet on the main floor. I mean literally, we could barely get ourselves and our 2 pieces of luggage inside the room as the bed took up all the space there was. Sure beat lugging our bags up 3 flights though.

We immediately left the hotel to orient ourselves to Venice, we were very close to St. Mark’s square, the Campanile, Doge’s palace, cathedral etc. so we toured that and the waterfront. You truly have to see this with your own eyeballs, I always say as you just can’t imagine it. We also had to head over to “Harry’s Bar” made famous by Hemingway – and had their infamous drink. We wandered for 3 or 4 hours then went to a very nice little place Ristorante “All’ Antica Sacrestia” by our hotel – excellent seafood meal but verrry pricey. 100 euro so about $146.00 american. Returned to our hotel and collapsed in our expensive closet.


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