BootsnAll Travel Network

9/17 Wed – Padua

Today we are off to St. Anthony’s basilica. Our hotel hostess heads us in the right direction as all the streets in Italy just curve around all over the place – it’s easy to get confused. After 2 short blocks we are on a sort of main street, very narrow, every shop is individual, no departments stores.

We first stop at a deli with fresh meats, pastries, cheese, vegetables – everything fresh and yummy looking. I took several pics of all these different shops as they were so interesting. Beautiful leather shops, toy store, furniture – looked like of the finest quality; lamp shops made from local alabaster; little sandwich shops (they all carry hard liquor) among the gelato and fresh bakery goods. I mean you can get a hard drink anywhere. The outside of these shops are very old and the insides very modern.

We arrive at the enormous piazza “Prato della Valle”. An enormous oval circled by a 10 foot wide moat lined with statues with two bridges going in to the center fountain. This is surrounded by lovely ornate buildings, two and three stories; the Basilica of Santa Giustina in the opposite corner. Two people in wedding attire are being photographed in several venues around this square. (at first we thought it was a wedding – probably pictures for promotion.

We went in to what we thought was St. Anthony’s but as found out later we were in Santa Giustina basdilica. This Basilica is huge as most of them are, very dark inside and probably about 10 or 15 enormous arched areas with enormous painting at the end – like chapels. Managed a few pictures so hope they turn out. This little old monk came up to us chattering away in Italian telling us about somewhere else to go but we didn’t understand. It turns out he was telling us to go to St. Anthony’s but that’s where we thought we were. Too late now, we were already tired. Next lifetime.

After touring the basilica we head back looking for a taverna for a little something to eat, sat outside over beer and munchies (again they always give you) and watched the people bicycling back from the fruit & vegetable market loaded with groceries. All shapes, sizes, ages etc. We retrace our steps noting buildings and unique doors we missed on our way down.

Our train leaves Padua at 5 pm so we bundle up, say goodbye to this beautiful town and head for Florence. The train ride is all through the mountains of central Italy, many, many tunnels, beautiful scenery. A young couple from England share our seats – they have just left Lake Gorda celebrating their anniversay where they had spent their honeymoon. They said it is very beautiful there and that we must see it but I think that will have to be another time. We have barely begun this venture. Our train leaves for Florence 3:11 p.m arriving 5:22 p m. Catch a cab to our Hotel Cellai.

We settle in, have a drink then head out to find some food. Since they “dine” in Italy it is hard to find just something to eat. We settle on a bar, where they warm up some food, not too bad. It is a swinging place so we get to enjoy the young people. Off to load up on zzz’s for tomorrow and the Uffizzi gallery ( supposed to be the greatest collection of Italian paintings anywhere.)


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