Day 2 without the Luggage
Tuesday, December 12th, 2006Nov 12, 06 (SUN) 0805 Thamel, Nepal
Having living in a humid scorching hot Malaysia, we shivered in Thamel morning breeze. Nonetheless, the friendly smiles of the Nepali and Newari (the indigenous group of Kathmandu’s valley) warmed us. Not to mention the warm dust aired from the street walk and carbon monoxide fumed from the compact cars of Daihatsu Charade & Suzuki Maruti alike. But hey, these are all for the spirit of being in Nepal. And heck, I don’t really mind!
Taxi in Nayapul
Latest info from the airport guy alerting us that our luggage was in Germany. Hmm… it traveled even further than we did. We decided to postpone our trip to Pokhara and wait for our luggage to arrive (crossed all my fingers and toes hoping that the luggage will show up at Tribhuvan Airport by tomorrow).
Since we have an extra day in Kathmandu, Binod took us around the world heritage sites in Kathmandu. (i’ll talk more of the 3 world heritages in Kathmandu we visited in my other post). As we travelled around, I noticed one unique characteristic of the Kathmandu’s drivers. And I must say, the horn is the second most important ‘part’ in the car after the break. Everyone is honking everybody, almost everywhere. Some trucks even have signs “HORN PLEASE” printed on the back. So, what does that tell you then? Their ways of saying HI? Perhaps yes!