Cathy's Bio
This is the trip I really wanted to do when I was 24. At that time, I had what I thought was a massive wad of dough - $10,000. I had been working at a software startup called Entera for about a year and some months. Another company bought us out and gave all engineers a bonus - 30% of our yearly salary - to stay with the company. I would have stayed longer, but there was that new 2 hour commute. I left with the money, bought a car with cash and had 10K left over.
I ended up only leaving for 6 weeks and traveled around in Africa by myself (Jason was working at the time). Africa is probably still the continent with the most interest for me.
Now, I'm nearly 30 with an even more massive sum saved up. Sure hope I don't look back and say - I should have bought a condo with that money! Nah...
Posted by
Cathy on August 25, 2004 02:31 PM
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