A quick apology
To my regular reader–if any–I’m sorry that I let you down. Partly, I was away, and I found it remarkably difficult to blog from out of town. At this point, since I don’t have a laptop of my own to connect via WiFi, it turned into an expedition to find somewhere just to print boarding passes for flights.
The other thing that has taken me away from writing myself is getting lost in the blogosphere. There is waaaay too much interesting stuff out there.
For the nerds among you, I cannot recommend too highly the site fivethirtyeight.com [see the blogroll]. The guys who run it are major statistics geeks; and their goal is to try to predict–as accurately as possible and with minimal bias–the results of the election in November. Or rather, I should say elections, since they have recently added predictions for the Senate races. I’m really impressed with their dedication, their transparency, their methodology, and their general geekiness [that’s meant for a compliment].
Tags: Travel, US Midwest