The present
Tuesday, August 4th, 2009Hello dear reader, and welcome. Hope you find something worth your while here, although I can promise you nothing.
About me
Currently I’m a bachelor of engineering to be, once I get my final theses done, which I have not even begun. I am working for a good company, full-time since April this year. I live in Finland, and I’m 24 years old. I have my life fairly well sorted out, at least if you look at it through the eyes of most people I know. But my dreams.. whoa! definitely something else!
I dream of leaving my job for a long time and get out. Just get the f*** out of here. Hitchhike, getting by on as little as possible, seeing places, feeling some real emotions, learning about freedom, waking up outdoors, walking in the rain, walking in the sunshine, walking with broken boots, finding somethin new inside, put mental strength to the test, giving birth to my soul, etc.
Unless something radical happens I see all of this getting true next year. I plan to get my degree first, and then leaving. I also have to save some serious money for this, to be able to keep going as long as possible if I still feel the burn as time passes. I currently have two shorter trips planned with my girlfriend. In a couple of weeks we’re leaving for 9 days in Latvia and Lithuania, and at christmas we’ll be two weeks in India. But now after I’ve thought about these trips after we have booked them(and reading Rolf Pott’s Vagabonding and lots of forums) I don’t think they give me much of the fullfilling I need.
I’ve been planning trips in my mind of backpacking very light in south-east Asia, as well as exploring Africa, and possibly hitchhiking/travelling overland from Finland to these places. Time should be unlimited. The only limit would be funds which I would spend sparingly. I believe real knowledge of self could come through putting yourself into unknown places, with as little as possible. Only by going with little necessities and living cheap will one truly see the beauty in a road or a scenery.
I will be back with details about everything in later posts. Feel free to ask or comment about anything.