Getting Ready for Blast-off
Five weeks and counting down, time seems to be moving quickly and painfully slow simultaneously. Preparations going well: I have given away most of my clothes and Jon has gone through mountains of paperwork all in an effort to reduce our possessions to two packs and a few boxes in a friend’s basement. One hardly realizes how many things they’re attached to until they try to shake them off. It’s not as easy as it sounds (if it sounds easy). Every book, shoe, receipt, toothpick, hat, DVD — they’re all attached with gossimer threads to your being and you have to consciously make a decision about each item. It’s tedious! You almost have to be more involved in its departure than you were at its purchase. The whole thing makes me swear off accumulation, however much control I have over that.
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February 6th, 2008 at 1:06 pm
All of the tedium will be well-worth the effort! I’m so excited for your upcoming adventure!