BootsnAll Travel Network


In the morning, back on the metro to see Vieux Port. Marseille is a port city, working class, a bit dirty and rough around the edges, but not really as bad as say, Detroit or Newark or something. Along the docks, people are selling newly-caught fish of all varieties in stalls. Once again the backpack appears to surprise them. I walk up La Canabiere, it is hot and uphill a bit and I am tired, and signs are scarce. But I manage to find the train station, wait on yet another long line to get my ticket, and make the train with only seconds to spare. I sit and drink a beer once on board. Southern France shure is purty. Green hills, stuccoed villas, a glimpse of the sea occasionally. Get to Nice fairly quickly, walk around a bit, it is one of the more touristy places I have been. Grab a cheeseburger at McDonalds. It is also a bit sleazy, a few sex shops and the like. The people seem surly in general. I stop for a panini at a sidewalk cafe which is damn good. The French know food. People ride their mopeds around town, down alleyways, sometimes taking turns almost blindly. Controlled chaos. Go back to the hostel and nap a bit. Two more French Canadians walk in later on, and we stay up late along with a South Korean named Joe, chatting and drinking. At least they sell beer until late here. Jean-Francois and Isabel work in a hotel in Quebec City, and have decided to crash in Nice for a while. They are pleasant in the usual Canadian way, and I am glad for the company. Joe is studying English and is remarkably good with it, rarely asking for a repeat. He is quiet, friendly and polite.

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