BootsnAll Travel Network

Just because I was bored at work…

Because I’m a little bit sad…

 So there you go… that’s how long we have left until our flight out…


5 responses to “Just because I was bored at work…”

  1. Top blog. Himalayas = class

    India, Nepal – still to go. Next destination for me.

    Have a great time

  2. John says:

    Good luck tomorrow and have a chavastic time

  3. joy says:

    Be safe
    Have fun

  4. Kira says:

    hello aunty Cat Cat and uncle James
    enjoy yourselves while you are away don’t drink too much beer (is it better than milk?) let us know where you are so i can tell all my friends at nursery about your travels but make sure your safe as you know how much my mommy worries!!!!!!
    love to you both
    big sloppy kisses

  5. joy says:

    Hello Cat – Hello James

    Catherine – you must be the world’s worst packer !!!!! not only did you leave your
    cd’s, colouring book and crayons – I have now found a ‘charger’ for some piece of
    electrical equipment. I do apologise of course if it turns out to belong to James !

    I do hope this won’t be missed too much.

    I just wonder how many items you left floating around Asia ?
    love to you both

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