BootsnAll Travel Network

Gone to Goa

Hello, all. Well we’ve arrived in Goa and are now happily ensconced in the capital Panaji.  It’s a quaint little place with a definite European flare; Goa didn’t gain it’s independence from Portugal until 1961 and it shows!  There’s lots of little Portugese restaurants and an enormous Christian church (which looks beautiful during the day, but at night they light it up and the blue neon cross on top and the fairy lights round jesus’s halo just make it look gaudy!) and the whole place has a very laid back feel.  After the madness of Mumbai this is much appreciated!  We spent four days there in total and it was more than enough.  The main thing that hit me about the city is the huge gianormous gap between rich and poor; people are either really rich (ie living in houses made from gold) or so poor that they sleep in middle of the road and oncoming traffic has to swerve to avoid them! It’s a loud, smelly, dirty city but it has SO much character!  We took a boat over to Elephanta Island on Saturday, which coincidentally was Holi Day, so many Indian families were making the pilgrimage also (aswell as throwing copious amounts of brightly coloured paint over each other, which didn’t seem to come out too easily!)  The island was amazing; huge caves that had been carved out of the mountain, with enormous carvings of various Hindu Deities… it was truly awe inspiring.
The one thing I personally am having a hard time with, is the attitude of the Indian men. They stare CONSTANTLY! I’ve been really good about not wearing anything too tight or revealing but it doesn’t deter them.. it’s not a pleasant feeling at all, and I find myself instantly suspicious of any man who talks to me, which again doesn’t make me feel good, as I’m sure there are plenty of genuinely nice guys out there. Oh well, I think it’s just something I’ll have to learn to live with.
So there was my rambling… we’re heading to the beaches in a couple of days.. probably Anjuna next (I want to get my dreads done there!) where we plan to do… nothing.
We’ll keep you posted (And I’ll try not to waffle quite so much next time!)
Oh yeah, keep you’re eyes peeled for photos, as we plan to upload some next time we post, only this computer’s rubbish and doesn’t recognise the camera!

Much love
Cat and James


4 responses to “Gone to Goa”

  1. Tom says:

    Sounds cool.

    Where are you going after Goa? Or haven’t you decided yet?


  2. Vicki says:

    hi guys
    glad to know you are enjoying yourselves over there in the sun, think of us while the rain lashes down……..
    Cat, do you own any clothes that are not tight or revealing, or are you just wearing a bin bag?!!!(if you were you would look good in it!!)
    anyway keep us posted and i for one don’t mind the waffling!!!
    love to you both
    big kisses from a small person

  3. Susan says:


    I am glad you are enjoying yourself, we have had the most awful weather over Easter everything from sunshine to rain, and snow, it was great. You take care and keep us posted. Cat I thought you were buying cloths in India? don’t forget the post card look forward to the next time we hear from you don’t leave it so long

    Love to you both

  4. micky says:

    hiya,me and your nan send our love,hope james fells better,and can start to drink the cheap beer soon,take extra care in the sun and look after your sleves.all our best micky and nan.

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