All Change
When we decided to come travelling we wanted it to be a completely spontaneous adventure. We had the plan to fly into Mumbai, head south from there, down in to Kerala and then back north and go into Nepal and Tibet before flying out of Delhi; a simple idea allowing us to pick and choose which cities we visited and linger in the places we enjoyed, keeping an air of spontaneity about our journey. This lack of planning however has been both our downfall and saviour.
From talking with fellow travellers and keeping up with the news we have found out that south of Goa is suffering from early monsoon and extraordinary heat; the train lines have been put out of use by torrential rain and it’s too hot to even think about leaving the room between 11 and 3. With regards to Nepal and Tibet and the current political climate, we feel it is not the right time to be heading that way. The risks are far too great, we would much rather save that part of the world for another adventure when we can experience the Himalayas in some politcal calm, without having to worry about being caught up in one of their all to frequent bloody riots.
With all this in mind we have formulated a new plan; we are leaving Palolem and Goa in a few days to head to small towm with World Heritage status called Hampi. It’s just inland and north of Goa. From there we will be heading back to Mumbai then flying over to Thailand to visit some of the places we didn’t get to visit last time and some places we would love to see again. We will also be heading to Malaysia to check out the sights. Around the beginning of June we will be flying back to India and heading for the then cool and dry areas of the north, around Rajhastan and Delhi, where we will depart for Budapest on the 3rd of july.
We have now been in Palolem over a week and now we are both fully healthy we are really starting to enjoy the laid back atmosphere, and gorgeous scenery. It’s a hard life getting up and doing nothing for a whole day. We have both enjoyed getting lost in books, and a copy of Lord of the Rings as just being bought, which I’m sure will cause much merriment to us both.
I hope all is well at home and you are enjoying the varied weather.
Much love
James and Cat
Tags: Travel
I am glad you are both well, you sound like you have enjoyed the small part of India you have seen so far, keep us up-to-date with your plans and I am sure you will have a better time, then all your family and friends stuck in back at home and working hard
Take care
all my love