Mumbai to Goa
After our two day stay in Mumbai we took an overnight sleeper bus down to Goa. Arriving in the morning in was strange to be somewhere small where places are close together. So far we’ve had a walk along the beach and around the small towns that merge into one, however monsoon season is very present here. Heavy rain showers have confined to us to bars and restaurants a few times. Even with the rain it is still a very beautiful place and different to other places we’ve been. Another difference is that Christianity is very strong here due to the Portuguese influence, its strange to see shrines with images of jesus and mary rather than ganesh or shiva. We are staying in Goa for another few says before heading down to Kerela on wednesday evening.
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Confined to bars and restaurants? Quel horreur!!!
Can’t wait to see you and hear your accounts first hand. I wonder what you thought of being a Bollywood extra. Hope you enjoy Kerala particularly the food.