BootsnAll Travel Network

Jaisalmer to Jodhpur

In Jaisalmer we decided to rake on the adventure of camel trekking in the desert, we chose the overnight option. Looking back now it was so worth it, but at them time some of us did not agree! After several hours of riding teh the sun and the heat drinking warm water there were a few sun burnt legs and sore thighs. I have to say that camels are not the most comfy things to ride! However it was worth it for the views we got as well at stars we saw. Back in Jaisalmer we went up to the old town in the fort (worth a google), and discovered why it is called the golden city. In the evening light everything turns gold, ross described it as a living movie set. Today we arrived in Jodhpur, the blue city. It is very ;large compared to jaisalmer but just as stunning with our hostel located within the huge fort walls among the winding streets we are looking forward to sunset!


One response to “Jaisalmer to Jodhpur”

  1. Hilary says:

    Sounds wonderful though don’t envy you the heat and the warm water – unless you were swimming in it! (lol)

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