BootsnAll Travel Network

Day 1 in Xian

Today we had a nice lie in, didn’t get up till after 10. After a welcome breakfast in the hostelĀ  we set out to explore the town within the walls. First we went to check out the Bell and Drum towers. They were very similar to the ones in Beijing except they were in the centre of town. After this we headed to the Muslim quarter. The streets were filled with little shops and vendors selling all sorts! The smells from the food were incredible. We went looking for the great Mosque, which took us a while to find in all the winding streets. Eventually we found it. Once inside it seemed a completely different place. The sounds seemed to stop and it went from bustling chaos, to serene tranquility (and then i just CHUNDERRREED EVERYWAH!) As with the temples and palaces of Beijing it was all symmetrical. Unlike the others it wasn’t so refurbished. Some of the roof carvings were absolutely beautiful. We weren’t allowed in the prayer room (for obvious reasons). We were also lucky enough to be around for the call to prayer, with people in the courtyard and in the prayer room praying. Afterwards, whilst heading back to the hostel, we came across what seemed to be a local market. It was really interesting, with stalls selling just about everything. Bike vendors, stalls on the back of vans and the streets absolutely heaving!! We are now in the hostel awaiting Sam’s arrival! Tomorrow we are heading out to the warriors for our tour!


2 responses to “Day 1 in Xian”

  1. Sophia says:

    Love the Muslim quarter! If you get the chance, try the “huashenggao” (peanut cakes) – they’re delicious! Also, check out the fountain show at the Big Goose Pagoda. It goes down every night 8ish. Happy travels.

  2. Jo (adopted big sister) says:

    Good morning. What was the welcome breakfast? I bet it wasn’t scrambled eggs with mushrooms. I just wanted to join in this messenging lark to show off that I have now not only manged to turn on my laptop, created an email address for myself (okay I gave up with hotmail after 8 goes) but I have never looked at a ‘blog’, let alone sent a message – so we have both made history together. Your trip so far sounds amazing. I miss you answering the phone. Jacket pot man is just not the same. Take care. BE GOOD. Watch what you eat – your parents are keeping me well informed. Enjoy yourself.

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