BootsnAll Travel Network

Prague – Day 2

My second day in Prague started off better the one before.  I slept in till 9:30 and got ready to hit the town. One minor hiccup happened though, I went to get some socks and found out I had no clean ones!  I took about fifteen minutes and washed my socks in the sink with the All detergent I had and wrung them out.  Flip flops it was…

So I went out on the town at about 11 and walked around Old Towne and across the Charles Bridge and up to the castle on the hill.  Very pretty area and very very old.  There was a church up in the castle area dating back from the 1200s that was amazing in its gothic-ness.  I took several shots of it in different exposures so that I can make some really cool HDR shots when I get back to the States.

After that I went back across the bridge to Old Towne to hit up the walking tour and ran into two Brits from my hostel I had met the night before.  We all struck out and saw some really cool sites, learned a ton about Czech history and had an overall good time.  After the tour we all went back to the hostel to rest up before going out later on the pub crawl…

So after I rested up for a bit, I headed back to the Old Towne Square and met up with Lisa and Laura again and started out on the pub crawl.  It was about 15 dollars to go on it and they supplied with you with free drinks for an hour and a free shot for the other three bars you went to.  Well let’s just say that I didn’t drink that much, especially given my “performance” at the Kings game but I still managed to spread out 1 beer, two shots of Absinthe (awful!), one shot of Lemon something and two more shots of some other stuff that I had no clue what it was but it was pretty good.  The crawl ended up at this underground club which was pretty awesome but…it seems like everyone in Prague smokes and my clothes are reeking with cigarette smell right about now.!

Oh and one more thing, going through Prague’s very narrow, very confusing and crooked old towne at 2 in the morning and being buzzed…yeah that’s not the most fun I’ve had on my trip! Haha.  I still got back ok and hit the sack because I had to get up early and catch the train to Munich.

Munich is actually where I’m on my way to right now as I write this.  Ahh back in Western Europe…

I liked parts of Prague but I couldn’t help not liking it either.  And things weren’t that cheap..yeah they were cheaper than the rest of Europe but not by terribly much.  I am glad I went though, and that I got to experience the history and vibe of the new Prague.

So some things I’ve noticed on my trip:
-Never say fanny in England or to anyone from England.  Fanny is the same as our “C” word.
-Adiddas is only prounced the way we say it in America.  The rest of the world calls them Audee-das.  We say A-D-das but they say the A as in Ahh!
-Europeans are Converse Chuck Taylor’s crazy!!  I see them everyone, on young and old.  And when I went to Prague I looked at a shoe store to see how much they were selling them for and even in the cheapest country in Europe, they were going for $75 USD!!!  Seventy five bucks for some Chucks!  Crazy..

Ok they’re 60 Euros here in Munich…which makes them 80 USD!

Oh and I forgot my travel towel in the bathroom in Prague!!  Booo

Charles BridgePrague_mg_2883.jpg_mg_2921.jpg

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