BootsnAll Travel Network

Birthday BrakeDowns an breakdowns.

Day 5: Rhody booted hahd all night. no miles.

Day 6: Sunday blues aftah boot session, hit the road. Biked 17 mile drive. Camped off the 1 outside Carmel. Dump session in the backcountry, definitely gave me poison oak.

Day 7:  Hit Big Sur and baked goods. Night Ride, big miles. Slept with a very audacious raccoon.

Day 8:  Ragged Point Ride = raw tendahloins. to San Simeon Camp Ground *Eyed some Elk grazin and sea lions matin

Day 9: Jose muy guapo hooked us up wit 2 dollah hike/bike camp site. Didn’t get on road till 3 due to faulty tubes, busted bikes an gear malfunctions. BIG UP Bike Mike fo hookin up the heady kick downs, smoked salmon. 

Day 10:  Morro Bay to Pismo Beach. Shared site with fellow touron, Gil+Ozz+California= Ryan. 

Day 11: 64 miles, first “smooth move day”.  Pismo to Gaviotas State Faht. (pahk).  Warning: do not bike on the 101 at night. 2 words, rumble strip.

Day 12: Sophie’s Birthday. Gaviotas to almost Santa Barbara. 1st Birthday brakedown. Santa Barbara where slum scum debris meets the SoCal sea.

Day 13: Emily’s Birthday. Santa Barbara. Stuck in the depressin dumphole wit a shotty derailer job.

*Cry for help to Cousin Catie. Rescued in Carpinteria. Birthday turn around, got free icecream! Suzanne an her man hooked us up wit some bills to celebrate NOT to mention a warm shower, bed, all you can eat wings, an good ol’ Rhody hospitality from Cousin Catie, Jayna an Johnny D in West Hills!!!

Day 14/15: RE LAX, RE GROUP, RE TAPE our busted bodies, bikes an jerry rigged gear. 

Big Up Roll Call

Thank You an blessings to, Rangah Jose, es muy guapo!  Bike Mike fo keepin it real wit ya heavy cough, beach cruisin, Aquarian self. Suzanne an Steven in Carpinteria for beer allowance. Heather fo the hitch in hard times.  Coffee Roastahs, fo gahbage bag full o’ birthday calories. Catie, Jayna and John D fo lettin us spread out in their space.  NO THANKS to VeloPro for the bunk derailer.

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