Tidying up
February 15th, 2008I have all these untidy loose threads in my head regarding leon and my last days in nicaragua but I don’t see how I’ll find the time to capture them. but not just about leon, about how my travels are progressing and about how they are changing, or maybe in more cases not changing, me. Take a previous lesson I learned in my personal relationships: don’t enter one believing you can change a person. Yeah, a lesson one must learn firsthand, right? Now I find this is true of the relationship between me and this journey. Will it fundamentally change me? Is that even possible with me controlling so much of it?
I never really expected to be changed. Hhhmmmm….or did I? if I am totally honest with you an me, I may have. But now, at large in the world, I am starting to understand the fundamental principals at my core that rule my behavior and my relationship with the world around me. Yet more grist for my mind’s mill. if one of the goals of my journey was self-discovery, I am well down that path. Knowing myself and what I want better is bound to be a good thing, right?