A Day in Tegu – Basta!
Not sure if it was Tegu or my mood, or more likely both, that did me in after a day. It’s quite a bit more chaotic than san jose and a day of walking will leave one’s lungs protesting from the exhaust fumes. I decided by the end of the day to take the fancy Hedman-Alas bus in the morning to Copan Ruinas, via San Pedro de Sula. Granted, this leaves most of Honduras untouched by the soles of my feet, but as I said, i’d resigned myself to doing the most interesting bits, like the moskito coast, later at a slower pace.
I’ve also been looking forward to entering the land of the Maya and Copan Ruinas, a major Mayan city (in its day) and the southern-most, made perfect sense. I could get there on a 7 hour, air-conditioned bus and it’s very close to the Guatemalan border. As soon as i arrived i realized this was a very good decision. I was in need of some gringo influence (yeah, thai curry is a gringo influence). I hate to admit it, but it’s true.
Tags: central america, copan, honduras, ruinas, Travel, tugucigalpa