punta uva heaven
Puerto viejo doesn’t look too bad, but my mission there was to get a few groceries to tide me over when grub wasn’t to be found in punta uva. This isn’t a problem when one has transportation (rental car, scooter, etc) in punta uva, but as a bus-passenger I needed to be prepared. Basically for me, that means coffee and peanut butter sandwiches. Oh, and rum.
I chose casa viva as my spot for 3 nights. A few posts on the lonely planet message board convinced me that despite the minimal web-page this was the place I wanted to be. Oh, I was so right. The beach in front is stunning but the property itself makes it perfect. I tend to the geeky side when it comes to birding (ok and with a few other subjects as well) but in ALL my travels thru panama and costa rica this is the first place where WITHOUT EVEN TRYING I saw all 3 toucan varieties in an afternoon and added so many birds to my checklist that before I finished walking the smallish property I had to go back to my room where my bird-book was for fear of forgetting some!
Then I donned my swimsuit and body-surfed off the amazing beach. Then I returned to the immaculate wooden cabana (with the FIRST bathroom that had a big counter along side the sink). Then I looked thru the in-room book selection cuz I think I may finish my book here. Then I toured the rest of the property and found even more birds (and when I’m able to upload photos you’ll see toucans). Then I sat on my verandah and had a rum with pear nectar. I’m just in heaven. I’m just not sure I can extoll all the virtues of this place sufficiently (nor am I sure I want to, as it may one day lose its charm with more visitors!).
FYI – What I am doing is keeping a journal in a document and then cutting and pasting it when I get internet access. It may not be till bocas that I have a chance to properly update my blog. The carib side of costa rica and panama is notorious for bad internet. I hope our casita in bocas is better! Anyhoo – this is why you may see bursts of activity thru-out my adventure.
Tags: caribbean, casa viva, central america, costa rica, puerto viejo, punta uva, Travel