seasons fly
June 1st, 2010maybe it’s the settling down: anticipating the path of the sun as it travels across the horizon and then back again. For the first time since moving from the house i grew up in, i’ve been in one dwelling for 4 years. i’ve been in one city for almost 10. the seasons pass so quickly now.
for the first time in my life i have geographical markers, from my evening perch, for the solstices and equinox. during the the winter solstice the sun sets just past the alameda county court house (over jack london square), the equinox over city hall, and the summer solistice in between mt tamalpais and the park bellevue tower. it seems to rush back and forth across the horizon these days. i almost hear the white rabbit saying “i’m late, i’m late, for a very important date”. it’s nearly frantic.
do we really fear the accelerating passage of time as we age? or do we find reasons to keep the sun moving quickly along its path…..the weekend, the next vacation, retirement? never taking advantage of the days in between. drawing out the seasons. yes indeed, i can “do better”.