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Archive for January, 2012

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O rebel-in-the-green

Monday, January 9th, 2012

a trinity of terror–in their wars of greed and domination–
the hideous international mass killers–bush-obama-cheney–
aiding the most extreme, reactionary latin american governments
here as they attempt to exterminate progressive social rebellions.

in the sixties–thought we could change the world–stop the wars–
save the planet–decades later–now learning–maybe can’t even
save one little girl–when does one grab a rifle and go up
in-the-green-mountains–learn from the flower:


joyful little glow
bright yellow fury
valiant spot-ling
on the meadow
deeply toothed
basal rosette
dangerous coming
as tyrants trample
for what sort
dent de lion
would choose playmates
within the grasslands
never trembling
spectacle under-foot
and yet resuming
spreading the flames
flower of wonderment
and subversive weed
were i so
O rebel in-the-green

frank parmer snider

