BootsnAll Travel Network

Day 5: the work begins

Today was my first day of actual volunteering. There is so much work and so much need for this one small village in Kenya. It’s overwhelming. Each of the children could use new clothes, shoes, school uniforms and basic self care. The families afflicted with HIV/AIDS have so many needs all these programs have extraordinary needs. And the expectations are that the volunteers are to bear the cost. It is impossible. So we need to have that talk.I knew that the moment would come where I was consumed with the overwhelming feeling of hopelessness. There are no safety nets here as there are in the states. No food banks, no churches that provide aide, no Salvation Army. Only missionaries and ridiculous volunteers with big dreams. The children hereare so sweet and curious. They all want to hold my hand, say hello and walk with us down the street. No I’m not bringing any home with me. It’s not going to happen. And now I know why I have to return in 6 weeks, my heart will not be able to take more than that.Today I met with the Community Health workers group and designed a schedule to go out on home visits with them. From there I hope to come up with a proposal of need for their medical supplies and create a food bank. They already have chickens that each of them have provided to 68 of the clients. But they need basic medical supplies and pain relievers.


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