day 3: part three
It’s now 7:30pm and I’m finally here in Kunya. I am staying in my own hut here on the Mama Na Dada property. It’s quite nice actually, very spacious with four beds to choose from. However only one bed has a mosquito net over it, so that is the one I will sleep under. We took a 7 hour bus ride from Nairobi to Kisimu and then a 2 hour Mutatu (small van/bus that stops everywhere and stuffs itself to capacity) ride to Kunya.The mutatu ride was so visually delightful. We would pass through small village markets and sellers would come up to the window of the mutatu to sell mangoes, bananas, roasted maize and other fresh produce. All of the people I’ve met so far in Kenya have been incredibly friendly and welcoming. Everyone wants to shake your hand and say hello. The smiles are wide and beautiful and I find myself smiling just as wide so that my face hurts.I have not felt unsafe for one moment as the coordination of transport and escort has been seamless.
Tags: Travel