day 1 & 2
So i also wasn’t quite ready to post that first post, but i’m here now so i had to. please excuse the lack of capitalization, i cannot figure out this keyboard to save my little brain at this moment. lack of capitalization is something that isn’t high on my list of priorities right now. actually after traveling for almost 24 hours my priorities are as follows: finish this short post, carry large suitcaes upstairs, jump in shower, go to bed.
Tomorrow morning i take a bus from Nairobi to Kisimu then fr0m Kisimu i go to Mama NaDada. so another of traveling ahead.
i made it one piece so far and i’m so excited. even in the dark, Nairobi is fascinating. Traffic is kind of crazy but nothing like it was in China and Vietnam. The roads are bad here and people run in and out of traffic like it doesn’t matter. i liked the airport, very smooth getting through customs, baggage claim and then i was picked up by a driver. So far the trip has gone smoothly, we had a slight delay in amsterdam because they had to remove a passenger from the plane. the ride was uncomfortable, but sitting in a tiny seat for 19 hours is never going to be fun. i’m happy to be on the ground and heading to bed. good night dear friends..more to follow
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